Mentor Feedback Survey: Mentor-Protégé Program

Mentor Feedback Survey: Mentor-Protégé Program

Feedback is vital to support the effectiveness of the NCA Mentoring Program. As a mentor in this year's program, NCA seeks your insights on the effectiveness of the conference calls and in-person mentoring meetings/interactions you participated in with your protégé.

All feedback received will be reported anonymously.

2. Were agendas developed for at least 85% of the meetings?
3. Were agendas distributed for at least 85% of the meetings prior to the meeting day?
4. In your opinion, were the conference calls or meetings a good use of your time?
8. In your opinion, is the Protégé making progress towards his/her Developmental Opportunities Plan goals?
9. In your opinion, is your protégé making meaningful progress towards executing the full duties of a Cemetery Directory?
10. Rate the effectiveness of your Mentor – Protégé Pair to resolve issues to everyone’s satisfaction.
11. Rate the overall effectiveness of your Mentor – Protégé Relationship.