DiSC Learning Model

The DiSC® learning model was developed from research and theory spanning ~100 years. Dr. William Marston, a psychologist professor at Columbia University in the 1920s, observed that people behave in different ways. Dr. Marston identified four “primary emotions” and associated behavioral responses.  The DiSC® model shows the four basic behavioral styles which describe how people approach their work and relationships.

He believed that by understanding our “normal” emotional responses to situations, we can adapt to the demands of people, situations, and societal expectations and evolve into better-integrated people in our work and personal lives.

Managers, Project Leaders and Team Associates can use their knowledge of the DiSC® model to increase their personal effectiveness through enhanced self-awareness and self-management, e.g. developing emotional intelligence to manage through challenging one-on-one and team interactions.

Managers can use the model to build more effective relationships with direct reports, colleagues and superiors. The DiSC® model provides a common language that people can use to assess what behaviors they share with others and where they differ. Managers can use this understanding of the model to develop strategies to flex their behaviors to increase their personal effectiveness.



Management Resource Services, Inc. provides Everything DiSC® and 5-Behaviors assessments published by John H. Wiley Publishing. We offer clients the ability to directly manage these assessments internal to their organizations. 

Gwen Onatolu (gwen@TeamForResults.com) (630-983-7607)